van Hulst Zadels

_ _ _ Your horse’s welfare comes first, second and third

with a safe, secure and comfortable saddle

If your saddle is perfectly adjusted to your horse’s tracings, he/she can move around freely without restrictions. This prevents pain, injuries and complications. My name is Natalie van Hulst. I am passionate about equipping horses with safe, secure and comfortable saddles, as I put horses’ welfare first, second and third. Part of my approach is to conduct a detailed assessment of both the horse and the rider, at a standstill and in motion. Saddle maintenance is vital, as it must remain a perfect fit as the horse develops and gains strength.

Finding the right solution quickly

As a saddle fitter, I have been trained and certified by Equine Saddlefitting Specialists in Oss, the Netherlands, who share my strong commitment to equine welfare. To offer my clients the highest-quality services, I also draw on the knowledge and expertise of a veterinarian, a veterinary physiotherapist, an equine osteopath, and a movement analyst for riders. This ensures we can identify both the cause and the solution very quickly.

Saddle-fitting consultation

Before I can advise you on your saddle, I would like to know all about your horse and yourself. I’ll ask questions, make observations and perform physical examinations. I will also perform several active tests and assess your current saddle. In other words: I use an in-depth approach to ensure you receive the right advice.

Saddle maintenance

All horses undergo all sorts of changes throughout their lives. For example, if you’ve eased off on training for a while, the saddle’s fit will need to be adjusted due to a loss of muscle mass. Saddles also change throughout their lifecycle, and regular saddle maintenance helps you prevent wear and tear and – by extension – physical discomfort.

Saddle fitter on a mission

As a rider, I spent years struggling with my saddle. Since it didn’t meet my horse’s needs, both my horse and I ended up suffering. After spending a long time finding a solution – which included receiving some poor advice – I began to see what a difference a well-fit saddle can make. Thanks to the new saddle, my horse started to enjoy moving around again and improved his performance. I have been on a mission ever since!


To be able to meet your needs as closely as possible, I offer saddles and accessories from a variety of brands, including: 

_ _ _ _ _ SMDC on saddle fitters

A perfect-fit saddle is essential for any riding horse. If the horse exhibits any underlying changes in their spine, has asymmetric development or moves asymmetrically, a good fit becomes even more essential. During a convalescence period, the development of the horse’s musculature will change, which means regularly adjusting the saddle is important in order to prevent local pressure on muscles and bones and to accelerate the improvement of movement patterns. This is what your horse needs for a successful convalescence. A highly skilled saddle fitter like Natalie makes the difference!

Would you like further information or to schedule an appointment?

Do you have any questions about my approach? If you are looking for advice or would like to schedule an appointment right away, feel free to contact me at+31 (0)6 2257 8257 or send an email to